Water Sources for Packaged Drinking Water Plants

Hello folks,
In this article, we will talk about the water source of the packaged drinking bottle plant. So, many times we are getting many queries about the source. What should it be like?
we are going to discuss the Source of the packaged drinking bottle. So, many people often ask is it river allowed? So, dear friends river is not allowed. because the river can be contain anything. So, the river is out of the question.

Open well water with certain conditions can be allowed. Municipal water yes if the municipality permits you. if you have proper permission it is allowed.

The best source for packaged drinking water plants is the borewell, the groundwater. obviously, there are now certain conditions which are coming with the ground water.there is an authority called center Groundwater Board (CGWB).
So, in certain states you need permission from the central government boards.and the otherwise states authority also have do look out of first.
So, if you have state authority go to their authority. if they permit then only you can set up the packaged drinking water plant. or you can use the particular water source.
Certain states also have regulated the quantity of water we can draw, so with drawl, this is also an important thing.
Otherwise, the PCB(Pollution Control Board) also gives permission and also looks after the quantities which allow for packaged drinking water for with drawl.

There are also many queries about rainwater. Can rainwater be used?
So, in certain countries there is use for bottoling.but for India we are not very sure about it still plant has to come that. So, can be used still into consideration. we don’t know about it.
people also ask about the wastage from RO water. so, since it was a major concept. a question is that can wastage water again used for the source water?
So directly it can not be used, but you can have again some treatment on the wastage and use it.
second is there is a packaged natural mineral water plant also. so natural mineral water plants source actually the most important thing.

There is another kind of water which is vitaminized water. vitaminized water like smart water if you see. So this is not an ISI Water but we are seen in some case smart water which they use is packaged drinking water plant water.
So, it is an ISI water that is what they are using.

FSSI also claims you should use the base water from a packaged drinking water plant.

If you have some more queries, Do write to us.

Thank You:)

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